Certified company detail

Certification status: Certificato Attivo
Business name: REACT STUDIO S.r.l.
Unit type: Sede Operativa
Address: Via Ada Negri, 66
Postal code: 00137
City: ROMA
Province: RM
Region: Lazio
Nation: Italia
Scheme: UNI-PdR 74:2019
Primary EA Sector:
Secondary EA Sectors:
Date of issue: 18/06/2020
Activity: progettazione architettonica, strutturale e impiantistica di opere civili e di opere infrastrutturali marittime portuali; coordinamento, verifica e validazione del contenuto informativo (BIM)
Activities: architectural, structural and plant design of civil works and maritime port infrastructure works; coordination, verification and validation of the information content (BIM)
ICMQ certificate number: 20031BIM
IQNet certificate number: 20031BIM

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ICMQ is a third-party certification body accredited by Accredia and specialised in the construction sector.