Certified company detail

Certification status: Certificato Attivo
Business name: BUZZI UNICEM SRL
Unit type: Unità Produttiva
Address: Loc. Mocomero
Postal code: 29010
Province: PC
Region: Emilia Romagna
Nation: Italia
Scheme: UNI EN ISO 14001:2015
Primary EA Sector:
Secondary EA Sectors:
Date of issue: 23/09/1999
Activity: produzione di cemento e leganti idraulici attraverso le fasi di ricevimento e stoccaggio materie prime, correttivi e combustibili, frantumazione materie prime, essicco-macinazione miscela cruda, omogeneizzazione farina, cottura clinker, macinazione clinker e costituenti per cemento, deposito cemento in sili, insacco e pallettizzazione, spedizione cemento (sfuso e in sacco)
Activities: cement and hydraulic binders production through the stages of raw materials, correctives and fuels receipt and storage, raw materials crushing, unbaked mixture drying-milling, meal homogenization, clinker burning, clinker and cement constituents milling, cement storage in silo, bagging, palletization and forwarding (loose and bagged)
ICMQ certificate number: 99003A
IQNet certificate number: 99003A

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