Certified company detail

Certification status: Certificato Attivo
Business name: MEGABETON S.r.l.
Unit type: Sede Operativa
Address: Via Bergamo, 24
Postal code: 26029
Province: CR
Region: Lombardia
Nation: Italia
Scheme: UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
Primary EA Sector:
Secondary EA Sectors: 02, 16, 24, 29a
Date of issue: 27/11/2009
Activity: Raddrizzatura, taglio e sagomatura dell'acciaio in tondini per cemento armato. Commercializzazione di acciaio, reti elettrosaldate per l'edilizia. Produzione di Calcestruzzo preconfezionato con processo industrializzato (Soncino). Produzione di aggregati naturali (Soncino e Fontanella) e produzione di aggregati riciclati provenienti da demolizioni ed altri rifiuti inerti di origine minerale (Soncino)
Activities: Straightening, cutting and shaping of steel into reinforcing bars. Marketing of steel, electrowelded mesh for construction. Production of ready-mixed concrete with industrialized process (Soncino). Production of natural aggregates (Soncino and Fontanella) and production of recycled aggregates from demolition and other inert waste of mineral origin (Soncino)
ICMQ certificate number: 23584
IQNet certificate number: 23584

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ICMQ is a third-party certification body accredited by Accredia and specialised in the construction sector.